Water to communities

by | Jul 5, 2022

Boy gets clean fresh drinking water from Vision Africa water well.

As a child, Ugonna, known to friends as Yugo, arose between 3 and 4 every morning to make the long walk in the darkness to collect water for his entire family. The nearest water source was hours away by foot, and the wait for his turn to fill his water jugs was often long.  Being only 7 or 8 years old, Yugo could only carry about 2 liters of water, but he had to wait in line for hours for even that small amount. Then, there was the cumbersome return carrying the heavy water through the heat-laden, often dangerous terrain and struggling not to spill a single precious drop.  When he finally returned home, he still had to dress and go to school—but, often, he didn’t make it. Survival and his family came first.

That was in the years before Vision Africa drilled a bore hole in front of its newly opened radio station to provide fresh water for the surrounding villages.  A safe, close water source meant less disease. It meant that children like Yugo could draw water AND go to school. It meant fewer injuries and deaths from perilous journeys. It meant a huge leap forward in quality of life.

Boy helps family get clean water from Vision Africa water well in rural Nigeria.

“It might seem like nothing to those who have water,” he said. “But, for those of us who have lived with scarcity of water, it’s a BIG deal!”

Today, Yugo is a member of the Vision Africa Waves football team, serving his community by sharing the sport with youth and prisoners. He still never takes water for granted. “It might seem like nothing to those who have water,” he said. “But, for those of us who have lived with scarcity of water, it’s a BIG deal!” 

When he looks at the children at the bore hole, laughing and jostling and being children, he is filled with gratitude that they do not have to endure the same trials as he. “You can drink it right off the tap—right from your hand,” he enthused. “It’s great.”

Besides the two bore holes that currently serve villages, Vision Africa is planning more at The Agnes Onuoha Memorial Hospital to serve the needs of the hospital, the surrounding villages, and the people who come for medical care.

In addition, the steep, sloping roof of the hospital is designed for maximum catchment of rainwater run-off, which will be used to water area gardens and farming projects and for animals, like chickens and goats.

Young man in black shirt smiling at Vision Africa radio station.
Ugonna / Yugo

Umuahia resident & VA Waves Teammate

Young man washes hands in clear water at Vision Africa's radio station water well.

Clean, safe, available water leads to better health, better nutrition (from gardens and animals), better education, better productivity—and a better future. It just takes a bore hole.

If you enjoy fresh water today simply by turning a faucet, give thanks. And, if God moves you to give to those who don’t have that privilege, click Donate below and mark your gift for “water,” so that our cups and our buckets may overflow together.

Woman smiles with bucket of clean fresh water on head at Vision Africa water well.