Vision Africa Sightings: March 2024

by | Mar 27, 2024

The Agnes Onuoha Memorial Hospital is making great strides toward completing construction and opening its doors. With plastering complete, the exterior has now been painted in Vision Africa’s signature terra cotta color, making the hospital instantly associated with VA among the Nigerian people. Beautiful mosaic tiles have been laid in the courtyard, and the permanent admission desk and reception area have been completed. God’s greatest provision, though, has come in the form of a North Carolina donor whose generous gift has made possible the installation of a water purification system in the hospital that assures that water used for all procedures is medical grade and free from contaminants. With this state-of-the-art equipment, water from the recently discovered deep-earth aquifer on hospital grounds can be further purified to meet all the hospital’s water needs. We are deeply grateful to God and to his servant donor for this life-saving gift.

If God is calling you to this life-changing work, you can answer His call by clicking the Donate button below.

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VA March Sightings 2

Vision Africa Radio, Love 104.1FM, will reach its milestone 20th anniversary this November, but we will be celebrating the station and its ministry all year long—in newsletter features, social media posts and campaigns, and, especially, at our gala luncheon this fall!  Be sure to keep up with us by email and follow us on social media for all the latest news!

VA March Sightings 3
Nigerian child sings during school prayer service - Vision Africa.

This year’s fall gala will take new form as a luncheon to be held Thursday, September 19, at noon at Dallas’s beautiful Arlington Hall at Turtle Creek. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m., and the luncheon will end promptly at 1 p.m. to accommodate work schedules.  Award winning pianist and composer Lewis Warren, Jr., a Dallas resident with Nigerian roots, will be performing as guests arrive, and our speaker will be Sharon Geiger, Assistant General Manager of local Christian radio station KCBI 90.9. Sharon has been a faithful supporter of VA radio for many years and has spoken at Media Institute multiple times.  Tickets are limited, so watch your inbox for more information, and be sure to save the date!

Nigerian child sings during school prayer service - Vision Africa.

VA Founder and President Bishop Dr. Sunday Onuoha and select staff members of VA radio will serve as guest speakers and mentors at a media institute event to be held in Tanzania in April. The Vision Africa representatives will share their two decades of experience sharing God’s love over the airwaves with the goal of spreading Christian radio into East Africa and beyond. Please keep Bishop Sunday and these staff members in your prayers as they obey God’s calling and pursue His vision for all of Africa and the world.