Let Us Give Thanks!
As a cherished American holiday approaches, both our greetings and goodbyes to one another tend to include “Happy Thanksgiving!” Can you hear it as you read it? “Hello! Happy Thanksgiving to you,” or “It was good to see you; Happy Thanksgiving!” The accent, like our focus, is on the “thanks” rather than the “giving.” That seems appropriate for a holiday rooted in gratitude. What would it look like, though, if we temporarily shifted our focus from “thanks” to “giving”? What does it mean to GIVE thanks? To whom are we giving that gift?
For Christians, the gift of thanks is most often offered to God, especially during the season that begins with Thanksgiving and ends with Epiphany. It is an opportunity to offer our intentional, thoughtful thanks to God as a gift in return for all the blessings God showers upon us all year. The Gospel of Luke records the story of Jesus coming upon 10 men with leprosy who called out to him saying, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” Jesus tells them to go show themselves to the priest to prove that they were cleansed. Nine hurried on their way, but one, a Samaritan, returned to throw himself at Jesus’s feet and thank him. “Were not all ten cleansed?” Jesus asked. “Where are the other nine?” (Luke 17:11-19). We all appreciate the gift of thanks, even our Savior. We don’t often expect it, and we certainly don’t always receive it, but we hope for it. We teach it to our children, prompting their thanks from an early age, with a “what do you say?” when they receive a gift or compliment. And, when we DO receive the gift of thanks, by word, note, deed or hug, it’s a blessing that brightens our day and lightens our load. It blessed Jesus when the Samaritan returned to give thanks, so we know it gladdens the heart of God as well. Should we not be thoughtful then about how we present the gift of our thanks to God?
Gift giving on Earth usually involves some thought and preparation. We think about the person we want to give to. We consider what we love about them, what they are passionate about, and what would please and delight them. When the idea appears, we search out that gift in stores or online. Perhaps we wrap it in shiny paper or a colorful gift bag with ribbons and bows and an acknowledgement card. Then, we present the gift to them and experience their joy in receiving it. But how do we give God our gift of thanks? Do we put thought in what we love about God and His goodness to us? Do we think about how to touch God’s heart best with the perfect gift of thanks? Do we wrap it in the joy of our hearts and the ribbons of our smiles? Or do we too often toss it off carelessly in a quick blessing before diving into the turkey and turning on the football game?
As we approach this new season of giving, let us bring the first gift to God—the gift of our gratitude brought with preparation and thoughtfulness. We invite you to take some time this week to look contemplatively at the pattern of God’s hand in your life. How has God guided you this year? How has He comforted you? On what road has He walked alongside you? Where did He protect you, save you, bless you? Wrap up these gifts in the gratitude of your heart, the strength of your faith, and the peace of your soul and present them to God as a gift that will bless God as God has blessed you.
Happy ThanksGIVING from all of us at Vision Africa.